
Get User

This endpoints allow to get the user by user uuid

This API will return detail of the business or person. When making a request to an API for a user's information, you typically need to provide a unique identifier UUID. The UUID is generated at the time of registration and is associated with the user's account.


Authentication Route

This route is secured with processor and vendor token authentication.




Path Parameters

FieldsTypeIs RequiredDescription
uuidstring|uuidYesThe registered business or person uuid.


    "status": true,
    "message": "",
    "data": {
        "client_reference_id": "company_45458",
        "uuid": "9d264b4a-006c-4d01-acd0-730e27784c59",
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Dew",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "phone": "2457856490",
        "business": {
            "name": "John Incorporation",
            "tin": "922454715",
            "payout_type": "individual",
            "address_type": "Registered",
            "address": {
                "street_address": "10554 W Quarles Ave",
                "city": "Littleton",
                "state": "CO",
                "country": "US",
                "zip": "80127"
            "trading_name": "John Incorporation",
            "entity_type": "Sole Trader",
            "incorporation_date": "2024-02-02",
            "incorporation_state": "CO",
            "industry": "Nature of business",
            "industry_classification": {
                "code_type": "SIC",
                "codes": [
                    "NAICS 42",
                    "NAICS 45"
                "description": "NAICS"
            "source_of_wealth": "2344",
            "source_of_funds": "Industry",
            "first_transaction_completed_at": "2024-05-02 16:14:25",
            "product_type": "financial",
            "registered_as_inactive": false
        "user_status": "APPROVED",
        "kyb_status": "APPROVED",
        "kyb_rejected_reason": null,
        "financing_credit_balance": null,
        "role": "business",
        "vendor_name": "Fintech",
        "business_owners": [
                "first_name": "John",
                "last_name": "Dew",
                "dob": "2023-04-11",
                "ssn9": "123456789",
                "address_line_1": "10554 W Quarles Ave",
                "city": "Littleton",
                "state": "CO",
                "zip": "80127",
                "is_beneficial_owner": true,
                "is_director": false,
                "is_account_owner": false,
                "is_share_holder": false,
                "is_significant_control_person": false,
                "ownership_percentage": "25",
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "phone": "2457856490",
                "nationality": "US",
                "occupation": "Co-founder",
                "first_transaction_completed_at": "2024-05-02 16:14:25",
                "product_type": "financial"
        "created_at": "2024-10-02 14:06:14",
        "updated_at": "2024-10-02 14:06:17"
    "errors": null,
    "error_code": null
    "status": true,
    "message": "",
    "data": {
        "client_reference_id": "user_524656",
        "uuid": "9d264832-8987-4793-8422-b615fe23fdf3",
        "first_name": "Jack",
        "last_name": "Jones",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "phone": "2092370450",
        "user_status": "APPROVED",
        "address": {
            "street_address": "20 Elmora Ave",
            "city": "Elizabeth",
            "state": "NY",
            "country": "USA",
            "zip": "07205"
        "role": "person",
        "vendor_name": "Fintech",
        "created_at": "2024-10-02 13:57:35",
        "updated_at": "2024-10-02 13:57:35"
    "errors": null,
    "error_code": null