
API v0.24.0

by Trent Raber

Delete Bank Account

Added the new V2 API endpoint to allow the deletion of a bank account within the application.

Get Balance By Bank Account

Added the new V2 API endpoint to allow integrations to pull the account balance for any account attached to a specific user.

Account & Routing Number Validation

The Onboard a Business, Onboard a Person, and Add Bank Account V2 API endpoints were updated to allow the passing of a flag to trigger validation on the account and routing number that is passed in the payload.

ACH Return Codes

New parameters were added to represent the ACH Return Code and the Failure Reason associated with a payout to the Fetch A Transaction and the Get All Transaction V2 API endpoints. In addition, these values were added to the PayoutFailed webhook event.

API v0.23.3

by Trent Raber
  • Internal maintenance and house cleaning

API v0.23.2

by Trent Raber
  • Updates to the V1 Onboarding a Business API to improve processes for KYB

API v0.23.1

by Trent Raber
  • Internal maintenance updates and house cleaning.

API v0.23.0

by Lee Jones
  • Updates for processor billing.
  • Validation errors are now returned for unknown parameters passed to APIs. We now return a 400 result code along with the list of unknown parameters.
  • Internal maintenance updates.

API v0.22.3

by Lee Jones

Create a Transaction While Bank-Link Pending

After an account is linked using Bank-Link, there are occasional delays in getting all the information from the aggregator. We now allow transactions to be created even though the information is still pending and the transaction will be processed once the Bank-Link process has completed.

Improved Handling of Failed Payouts

The handling of failed payouts has been enhanced and we have added a new PayoutFailed webhook event to keep things current.

API v0.22.0

by Lee Jones
  • Added the ability to create AP transactions in the Infinicept ecosystem.
  • Added support for prefunded FBO accounts to support fast ACH.
  • Fixed an issue with the duplicate ids field returning incorrect data.
  • Allowed commas in bank account names.
  • Fixed an issue with the speed setting when creating a transaction.

API v0.21.0

by Lee Jones

Internal improvements and housecleaning.

API v0.20.0

by Lee Jones

Failure Simulation

  • When using the Create Transaction API on the sandbox environment, you can now simulate a failure either before or after the payout occurs.

Processor Transaction Reports

  • Processors can now receive weekly flagged transaction reports via emal.

API v0.19.0

by Lee Jones

V2 User Delete

  • When deleting a user/business using the V2 API, the user can be removed regardless of whether they have processed any transactions. Any pending transactions will still be completed.