
API v0.18.0

by Hitesh Bansal

New APIs (v1)

  • Delete User API: The delete user API can only be used to delete users with no associated data.
  • Invoice APIs: The invoice APIs allow invoice data to be attached to users for underwriting purposes.
  • Batch Refunds API: The processor specific batch refunds API returns a list of batch refunds which can be filtered by a date range.
  • Transaction Refunds API: The transaction refunds API returns a list of refund requests associated with a specific transaction.

New APIs (v2)

  • Business Onboarding API: In order to meet compliance regulations, the V2 business onboarding API requires additional fields including the beneficial owner. We will be sending out a notice in the coming days with details regarding the deprecation of the V1 API.
  • Fetch Transactions: The V2 Transaction fetch API allows filtering transactions by Payer, Payee, and Bank Account.

New Features

  • Processor Transaction Rule Configuration
    Processors can now request sandbox accounts to be configured to disable risk-based transaction delay rules to facilitate faster testing.
  • Refund Capture Delay
    The ACH clawback for refunds is now postponed by one business day from the time the ClawbackStarted event is dispatched. This is to give enough time to transfer the appropriate funds to the processor external account if needed.